Bavishi Fertility Institute

Absolute safety for your fertility treatment

Our motto “Safety first” and “Safety for all”

At Bavishi Fertility Clinic, each of our fertility clinics offer maximum safety to our patients even to the unborn!

Safety of your genes

Our security system ensures accurate tracking and safe identification of all samples of our patients throughout their ART treatment, from their first visit to embryo transfer.

In the processes of our in vitro fertilization laboratory, nothing is left to chance. The critical steps which could give rise to possible confusion are subject to very strict control, accompanied by a flawless identification system. We use accurate labeling by IVF grade water or frost resistant labels.

Thanks to the large team of professionals working in our IVF laboratory, we can double-witness critical procedures. This is important as we can ensure that each crucial step of treatment that involves handling male gamete, female gamete or embryos is subject to double supervision. These steps are always carried out in the presence of two people, i.e. the technician who performs the step and a second person who supervises everything so that there is no possible confusion.

This double-check is carried out at several levels: sperm freezing, sperm capacitation, oocyte recovery, insemination, micro-injection, embryo transfer, cryopreservation, etc. It is the guarantee of flawless traceability over the entire procedure guaranteeing infallible security.

Safe against Infection transmission

All couples undergoing treatment have to undergo mandatory testing for possible infections that can be transmitted through body fluids.

BFI we keep separate containers and tanks for storing and freezing possibly infected samples.

Safe treatment for your mind and body

Patients are always concerned about their safety during the IVF and any possible side effects. Fire alarm , CCTV ,security personnel and other ancillary services to keep you safe always

Clinical safety

We use all OT, anaesthesia and other equipment that are above required standards to maximize safety.

Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome – OHSS free clinic

Yes, BFI is OHHS free clinic!

IVF can have a few complications. The most significant of them is Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome – OHSS. Years of experience and innovation has made BFI a OHSS free clinic. IVF at BFI is a smooth process, and we ensure a safe journey by predicting OHSS early and preventing it effectively.

Like everything else in life, scarcity is as bad as excess. The idea is to maintain a balance between the two. The response of the ovaries to stimulation is no different.

OHSS is an exaggerated response of the ovaries to ovarian stimulation by drugs in IVF treatments. These drugs are gonadotropins, FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), and LH (Luteinizing Hormone) that stimulate ovulation for greater treatment efficiency and are generally Injectables. (recagon Gonal-F, Elonva, Fostimon, Menopur, Pergoveris, Folligraph, Eema HMG, puregraf).

BFI’s signature protocols and pre ET “ BFI criteria for prevention of OHSS”

These criteria guide us at every stage, right from starting the stimulation to create more eggs, when to do the ovum pick up and whether to do a fresh embryo transfer or freeze all the embryos. These criteria are uniformly followed at all the centers. We can proudly say that we have not seen a single case of severe OHSS in the last 10 years plus.

NABH standards of Safety protocols

National accreditation Board for Hospitals, an apex organization to accredit, has strict criteria for infrastructure and protocols and SOPs for patient safety. Our centers are NABH accredited or under process.

We use globally acclaimed sonography machines, endoscopy and IVF lab equipment for enhanced safety and better results.

All OTs and Lab undergo regular disinfection to reduce chances of contamination. Bacterial contamination count at critical locations are monitored periodically.

Regular AMC inspection of all equipment is done as per NABH norms.

Safe environment for embryos

Bavishi Fertility Clinic implements all the controls and protocols necessary to guarantee the safety of the assisted reproduction procedures, in particular:

Air Quality in the Bavishi Fertility Institute IVF lab

We understand air quality’s importance as regulating conditions for the operation procedure of IVF laboratories, temperature control, humidity, adaptive and free from any contamination that may interfere or harm the eggs, sperm and embryos. Our IVF labs have class 1000 pure air systems which deliver ten times more cleaner air than European standards.

Laminar flow hoods: sample security

In our IVF laboratory, all samples are processed in laminar flow hoods, i.e. fan hoods.

They have HEPA filters at the top, which filter the air to prevent contamination of the sample and personnel. The air is continuously diffused horizontally to prevent any particles present in the air from coming into contact with the sample and contaminate it.

Embryo culture monitoring

We use the latest generation trigas incubators for providing a safe environment to embryos. Our incubators are integrated with a smart alarm system. The system monitors critical parameters like temperature and level of various gases like CO2 with AI. Any fluctuations any time are notified immediately to the embryology team.


Thanks to the large team of professionals working in our IVF laboratory, we can double-check certain procedures. This is important as we can ensure that each critical step of treatment is subject to double supervision, both in handling male and female gametes and embryos respectively.

Every important process that involves passing a sample from one coverslip to another is always carried out in the presence of two people, i.e. the technician who performs the manipulation and a second person who supervises everything so that there is no possible confusion.

This double-check is carried out at several levels: sperm freezing, sperm capacitation, oocyte recovery, insemination, micro-injection, embryo transfer, cryopreservation, etc. It is the guarantee of flawless traceability over the entire procedure. Its already covered and shall be removed

Temperature control with security alarm

Temperature control is essential for maintaining all samples at normal human body temperature, 37 degree Celsius. Our laboratory is equipped with an external alarm system that monitors the temperature constancy. Thus, if a temperature deviation were detected from the normal, this system would emit a radio alarm to avoid any problem.

IVF: The safest way to get pregnant sooner

(IVF) the technique has gained a lot of popularity, and many people go for it. That itself reflects that it’s considered safe by many.

People thinking of going for IVF have concerns regarding the safety of mother and child. They are worried regarding side effects of medication, pregnancy complications, the health of the child, any genetic or other abnormalities in the child and long term child development in terms of school performance, socialization and future fertility of the child.

Patients are worried about the side effects of medicines and future risk of cancer. Good news is that medicines don’t have any long term side effects. If we look at the data, the procedure does not cause increased risk of cancer. Rather more and more cancer patients today consider trying to preserve their fertility either because they have contraindicated pregnancy for a limited time or because the medication they will undergo during the cancer treatment may affect future fertility. Thanks to the new technologies and the recent innovation of oocyte vitrification (freezing eggs for future use).

Safety of secretes – Confidentiality

  • All your medical facts are kept confidential, no discussion of the medical facts with any relatives unless confirmation by husband and wife.
  • All the counseling will be done with the utmost confidentiality in individual chambers.
  • Maximum privacy will be maintained at examinations and record keeping.

Safe treatment in pandemic

In the pandemic phase, BFI adopted a series of extra safety measures.

  • Professionals are wearing N95 masks, face shields and gloves during the examination.
  • For all employees coming in patient contact, N95 masks and face shields are mandatory.
  • Our staff at all centers are vaccinated.
  • Patients and doctors use PPE for all procedures.
  • Frontline professionals are being tested for coronavirus as many times as required.
  • The times between two consultations are longer to avoid patients meeting at the clinic.
  • The hygiene rules are made even stricter.
  • An online consultation facility is initiated for a virtual consultation.
  • These measures are necessary for patients’ safety.

If you are considering delaying your fertility treatment because of the pandemic, you should understand from an expert whether this time lost can reduce the success ratio of future treatments.

Safe and Fully protected IVF Laboratory

Bavishi Fertility Institute’s IVF laboratory, each procedure is customized. Embryos are removed from the incubator and taken to the workbench of one patient at a time only at the time of manipulation. A double-checking system is used to check the names and identification details of the patient.

The protocol eSET elective Single Embryo Transfer

Having a twin pregnancy is a couple’s choice; many patients are happy by the news of double the joy, but for many, it is challenging to rear two children and that too at a time.

The good news is that the choice is yours

BFI offers the option of Single Embryo Transfer – eSET protocol. This protocol has been adopted to nullify the chances of multiple pregnancies and also the impact they generate. It is estimated that the current average rate of twin pregnancies is 20% in reproductive treatments. With the eSET method, only the best-formed embryo is transferred. This eSET protocol increases the chances of implantation per embryo and reduces the chances of complications in pregnancy & childbirth related to multiple pregnancy.

Growing Success In Infertility Treatments SAFELY

With the advancement of reproductive medicine techniques and the BFI’s vast experience in the field, the success graph in assisted reproduction treatments of the Bavishi Fertility Clinic has been growing higher and higher year by year, safely.

Consult Us Now

Don’t let the gloom of infertility determine your future. Choose safer options today at Bavishi IVF.

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